Plan your artist's content & influencer strategy in a fraction of the time
Upload a song, scan social media for similar sounding tracks, and see the content and creators behind their success. Leverage this data to power your campaigns.
Upload any song
Upload any song
Drop in your track and our proprietary algorithm will analyze what makes it unique. We do not store any actual audio files, only its representative metrics.
Drop in your track and our proprietary algorithm will analyze what makes it unique. We do not store any actual audio files, only its representative metrics.

Scan social media for similar tracks
Scan social media for similar tracks
Our proprietary algorithm combs social media platforms to find songs, original sounds, and remixed audios that have features similar to your track.
Our proprietary algorithm combs social media platforms to find songs, original sounds, and remixed audios that have features similar to your track.
Learn what content and creators made those songs go viral.
Learn what content and creators made those songs go viral.
Discover who and what powered the viral moments for each similar sound. Sort videos by any metric and export creator data for your own campaign.
Discover who and what powered the viral moments for each similar sound. Sort videos by any metric and export creator data for your own campaign.

Common Questions & Answers
Common Questions & Answers
Algorhythm's most common questions and concerns.
Algorhythm's most common questions and concerns.
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